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Hey, I'm Natalie Nadeau

Business & Marketing Strategist, Coach, Mentor and CEO.

I was that little girl who walked around saying I'm going to be a CEO when I'm older. 


I remember having this little cash register and selling clothes to my barbies and little grocery toys. 

A lot of people struggle to know what they want to do, but I had this calling really young. Around 13-15 years old, I just remember this deep feeling of 'I'm going to be a millionaire one day'. 

Both my parents came from nothing. 

They dropped out of school in grade 10. 

My dad worked his way from being a box boy at 16 to head office. 


My mom would waitress and follow him from city to city as he got promoted to assistant manager, manager and so forth. 

My dad was always gone but on Fridays he came home and he loved hanging out in his garage. 

I'd sit with him and he would tell me all these stories about how to be a good leader, corporate operations and the lessons he learned on his journey. 

I remember just sitting there absorbing everything knowing that everything he was telling me and I was learning was going to set me apart. 

I was gaining his 30+ years of experience before I even graduated College. 

I worked in cosmetic sales while I was in high school and college. I actually graduated high school with a special high school skill major in business and then went off to get my business degree. 

Yes, I was that nerdy kid who would compete in business plan challenges and accounting olympics. 

I remember a prof saying on my first day everyone graduates with the same gpa and diploma, it's what you do while you're here that sets you apart. 

That really stuck with me. 

We were the first roll out of social media marketing in school and I understood this is where the world was heading, so naturally it's where I went next. 

I was a dance instructor from 16-22. 

Fitness instructor and personal trainer from 22-26. 

Body builder from 23-28. 

I ended up as the head of marketing in health, fitness and beauty studio where I also became a health coach and weight loss coach through the marketing. 

I was able to increase revenue by 65% weekly within my my first 6 months with the company. 

Eventually I left to expand further and worked as the head of marketing for a Dr of Natural Medicine where we grew an ecom supplement company from $1.2M to just under $10M in 4.5 years. 

We did multiple course launches, built an online community filled with thousands of people, book launches, grew a podcast which has over 1200 episodes today and generated 60% of our revenue through email marketing alone. 

I than moved out of the health world to see what else was out there. 

I ended up implementing and developing about 8 different marketing companies into multi-million dollar companies, raging from $5M - $17.5M companies. 

I became a Chief Marketing Officer for a global tech company and SaaS product by the age of 28. 

At 29 the CEO of the company asked me if I was open to launching and co-founding a marketing agency with him. 

At this point, I was working 60-70 hours a week. 

I had a dream to launch my own YouTube channel, I wanted a podcast... 

I was consistently buying domains and doing wannapreneur activities. 

I was gaining weight. 

Compromising my core values and on a vicious burnout cycle. 

As we negotiated contracts, got lawyers into the mix and were discussing bank accounts...I ended up deciding I was worth it. 

I knew if someone else was willing to go all in with me, I could go all in on me. 

So I ended up quitting my job on a Wednesday. 

My last day was Friday October 15, 2023. 

I launched my personal brand on LinkedIn on the Monday. 

I always say personal branding is really personal. 

It's like opening a door labelled 'internal work required'. 

You have to overcome a lot of limiting beliefs and internal patterns when you launch your own company. Doesn't matter how much experience you have... doing it for yourself is completely different. 

But I had a dream. 

I wasn't going to give up. 

I pushed through every obstacle that came my way. 

Battled over a scarcity mindset and I tapped into my true power and unlocked my full potential and became the most unstoppable version of myself.

Not just for me, but for my future children. 

I want those kids to see what's possible and have the tools they need to not go through what I had too. 

Grew my following from 0 - 7k in 8 months. 

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